Equality and Diversity Policy

1. Urchinwood Manor recognizes that we live in a society where discrimination still operates to the disadvantage of many groups in society.

2. Urchinwood Manor believes that all persons should have equal rights to recognition of their human dignity, and to have equal opportunities to be educated, to work, receive services and to participate in society.

3. Urchinwood Manor committed to the promotion of equal opportunities within the business, and affiliated organisations, through the way we manage the organisation and provide services to the community. In order to express this commitment, we develop, promote and maintain policies that will be conductive to the principles of fairness and equality in the workplace.

4. The objective of this policy is that no person should suffer or experience less favourable treatment, discrimination or lack of opportunities on the grounds of gender, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, HIV status, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, political beliefs or trade union membership, class, responsibility for dependents, physical attributes, ex-offender status as defined by the Rehabilitation of OffendersAct 1974, lack of formal qualifications where such qualifications are not formally required, or any other grounds which cannot be shown to be justifiable within the context of this policy.

5. This policy will influence and affect every aspect of activities carried out at Urchinwood Manor.

6. In the provision of services and the employment of staff, Polo Aviation Ltd is committed to promoting equal opportunities for everyone. Throughout its activities, Urchinwood Manor will treat all people equally whether they are:

♣Seeking or using our services.

♣Applying for a job or already employed by us.

♣ Trainee workers and students on work experience or placements.

♣Volunteer workers.

Sally Hall

Date: 20/2/24